新疆阿凡达文化科技有限公司位于乌鲁木齐北京南路591号新闻出版局,现有有专业技术人员9人,我们拥有SONYFS7、SONY EX280R、松下GH5\5S,松下DVC400、佳能5D3专业摄像机及专业高清非编机。阿凡达文化科技专业从事影视广告、微电影制作、三维动画、影视制作、形象专题、产品专题、电视购物、节目包装、宣传片制作、专题片制作、全景漫游等业务,是新疆师范大学数字媒体专业的实习基地。
Avatar studio is a dedicated crew of corporate image videos; feature films; corporate annual meetings; Products tablets; television commercials; medicine commercials; enterprises MV, personal MV; love MV in one professional of film production companies. Depending on your needs, we can provide an initial text planning, shooting script writing, mid-scene set up, shooting, post-editing package synthesis effects such as production services.
service project
service content
special photo making style
The hardware characteristics
4K电影机效果 — 高精尖拍摄设备,能把市面上传统婚礼影片清晰度提升近十倍,达到4K电影机拍摄效果,可以呈现最完美的电影机效果清晰度提升近十倍,可拍摄高速子弹。
航拍 — 华中地区首家把大银幕电影才会使用到的顶级摄影设备运用到婚礼拍摄中来,在空中就能实现推拉摇移,画面恢弘大气,让影像作品立显奢华。
4K电影机效果 — 高精尖拍摄设备,能把市面上传统婚礼影片清晰度提升近十倍,达到4K电影机拍摄效果,可以呈现最完美的电影机效果清晰度提升近十倍,可拍摄高速子弹。
Micro film creation
Photosynthesis studio is a dedicated crew of corporate image videos; feature films; corporate annual meetings; Products tablets; television commercials; medicine commercials; enterprises MV, personal MV; love MV in one professional of film production companies. Depending on your needs, we can provide an initial text planning, shooting script writing, mid-scene set up, shooting, post-editing package synthesis effects such as production services.
Strong technical team postproduction, 10 seconds into the film moves of the opening that captivate the attention of moviegoers. Pictures synchronization technology used at the same time quite mellow. Agreed to make video works mood, rhythm consistent, unified visual content, and play contrast, rendering the effect of the screen, have a strong artistic appeal.
© Avatar studio